Places Tess Has Traveled

When Kye was born I knew we’d be doing a lot of traveling with him and I decided to keep a running blog post going with all the places he’s traveled. I thought it would…

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Week Three Summary

Tess’s 3rd week of life was from August 14th through August 20th. She was two weeks old during this week! Nursing: I know she’s still a “newborn” but at 2 weeks old a lot of the…

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Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Infants

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Infants. When I had Britt we had some issues with nursing. She took a long time to nurse and I struggled with figuring out why. I remember then having some…

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Week Two Summary

Tess’s second week of life was from August 7th – August 13th. This means she turned 1 week old on August 7th and would turn 2 weeks old at the end of this week on…

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Visit from Grandpa and Grammie

I am so blessed to have such amazing in-laws and am thankful that so many people were able to be at the hospital when Tess was born and were able to come visit us in…

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