Zach’s 30th Birthday!

When we decided to start trying to get pregnant, we talked about how Leo would have a close birthday to Zach’s…when Tess was born she was born exactly 1 week before Zach’s 30th birthday! I…

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Week One Summary

Because things in the life of a newborn change SO quickly, I do weekly posts for my kids. This post will cover Tess’s first week of life from July 31st – August 6th Nursing: Right…

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Babywise With a New Baby: Benefits When Bringing Home a Newborn

This is a guest post I wrote for another blogger on benefits of Babywise when bringing home a new baby! I am a proud mother of THREE children. A 5 year old, a 2.5 year…

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Baby Tess Comparison Photos

When I had Britt people never really compared her to Kye because Kye was a boy and she was a girl. However, as soon as Tess was born the comparisons to Britt began! It’s a…

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Ready to Lose the Baby Weight!

I am going to my six week postpartum check up next week and am SO ready to get started back on a solid plan for losing this baby weight. Zach and I both are ready…

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