Tess’s First Bath

We did not get to give Tess her first bath until late into her first week of life. Due to our kids being sick and Zach not feeling well, we just postponed it until everyone…

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2 Day Hospital Visit

During our hospital stay I was pretty nervous about the amount of weight Tess would lose. She had SO MUCH poop as well as a lot of fluid so I knew both could affect her…

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Keeping a Summer Schedule

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Pinterest Day! We are all talking about back to school so be sure to check out the other bloggers for some great back to school tips and tricks! Back…

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Britt Monthly Summary: July

Here is everything going on with Britt from July! Daddy Date: Britt and Daddy had a special date night! I don’t know if it’s true for all families…but in ours we tend to hang out mostly…

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Kye Monthly Summary: July

I know the blog has been Tess overload here lately and it’ll probably be that way for awhile seeing as my world is pretty much revolved around her and her needs right now ๐Ÿ˜‰ Here…

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