39 Weeks Pregnant!

I am now officially considered full term! I am so thankful and so blessed to have such a healthy pregnancy. I’m thankful for my baby to make it this far and to know he or…

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Jekyll Island Babymoon

Back in December Zach and I were supposed to go to Jekyll Island for an Aflac Christmas Party. I was 7-8 weeks pregnant at the time and had the flu. No one knew we were…

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38 Week OBGYN Visit

First, I want to say a HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to EVERYONE who has prayed for our family and specifically for Mr. Rusty! He called yesterday and the pathology report was finished and: NO…

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Carter’s Newborn Photos

I love taking pictures and have enjoyed using my new camera! As I have said before, I have no desire to become a photographer by any means. I leave that to the pros! However, I…

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Packing for the Hospital

I’m currently expecting baby #3! I have learned a LOT about the fine art of hospital bag packing ๐Ÿ˜‰ With my first pregnancy I way, way, way overpacked. Like I mean I packed board games…

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