Airport, Donuts, and Family Time

First thing is first! Announcing the winner of the Halo SleepSack! Thanks so much to everyone who entered and especially to Halo for sponsoring such an awesome giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚  ***** At the beginning of summer…

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Father’s Day 2014

Reminder! Tonight ends the big Halo SleepSack giveaway! Be sure to go here to enter!!! Each year for Father’s Day I like to have the kids do a craft project for the father’s in our…

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Father’s Day Family Golf Outing 2014

Every year for Father’s Day we have a family golf outing together. It’s such a fun tradition and it something Zach truly looks forward to each year. He goes golfing a good bit super often…

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Kye Golf Camp 2014

Last year Kye did a golf camp at a local golf course. Big Papa was all about it and actually paid for Kye and Colt to participate! While Kye LOVED the camp last year…Zach wasn’t…

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38 Weeks Pregnant with 3rd Baby

2 weeks from today is my due date!!! Maybe this will be my last weekly post??? First thing I want to mention is an update on Mr. Rusty. Thank you to everyone who is praying…

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