1 Day Shy of 38 Weeks OBGYN Appointment

Since I just had an appointment on Friday, at 37 weeks, I’m not sure if I should still consider this morning’s appointment as my week 37 one or go ahead and call it the week…

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VBS Spy Academy

This year the week of VBS was also an insane week for our family. It was the week following my bed rest, the week after Carter was born, the week Kye started golf camp, and…

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Carter’s Birth!

Warning: Picture overload post ๐Ÿ™‚ The first week of June was a crazy one! It started off with Casey being admitted to the hospital the same morning as her baby shower. Then I had pre-labor…

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Halo Bassinest and SleepSack Giveaway!

I tend to delete most of the emails that come my way from companies wanting me to do sponsored posts. However, occasionally a company will approach me and I become so impressed with them that…

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Britt Monthly Summary: May

Here is everything Britt was up to in May! Play: Even though I started independent playtime with Britt from an early age…her personality is much different from Kye’s and she is much more of a “people…

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