Kye Monthly Summary – May

Here is Kye’s summary from May! Chores: I have been debating about chores for awhile now. I’ve seen TONS of cute ideas for chore charts floating around Pinterest but decided to just keep it simple. Now…

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Kye School Work – Spring 2014

I know these posts aren’t very well liked and that’s okay 🙂 I blog for the main goal of keeping memories for my children and having them collected in my blog books and this is…

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Casey’s Baby Shower (Minus Casey)

Even before Casey got pregnant I wanted to host a baby shower for her. I wasn’t able to do as much for her wedding as I wanted and really wanted to do more for her…

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37 Weeks Pregnant

Leo can literally arrive any day now! If y’all haven’t made predictions on the exact date, sex, name, and other baby stats be sure to visit Leo’s Baby Pool! Also if you plan to meet…

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BFBN – Teaching a Pre-Toddler to Develop a Positive Attitude

Today is the last day of our week on the subject of attitude! I will never forget the first time Valerie contacted me and asked me to write a guest post for Babywise Friendly Blog…

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