37 Week OBGYN Visit

In order to fill y’all in about my visit this morning…I first have to fill you in about my day yesterday! This week hasn’t been an overly crazy week. I’ve felt pretty good, overall. Some…

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BFBN: Encouraging an Attitude of Adventure

Today continues Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! Yesterday, I discussed instilling the attitude of appreciation in our children. Today Claire, from My Devising, is our spotlight blogger. She is looking deeper into attitude and how…

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The Importance of the TDaP Vaccine

Disclaimer: I have put off writing this post for one reason and one reason only: I don’t want to deal with the whole vaccine debate. If this post turns into that type of situation then…

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7th Year Wedding Anniversary

It’s crazy to think that it’s been SEVEN YEARS since I married this hottie:  Someday I want to go back and blog about our entire wedding weekend. It really was SO fun! We got married…

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BFBN: Requiring a Good Attitude Without Stifling Emotions

Today continues Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! The spotlight is on Rachel at A Mother Far From Home and she discussed if we can require a good attitude of our children without stifling their emotions.…

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