36 Weeks Pregnant – 9 Months!

Prayer Request: Before starting off my weekly pregnancy post…I do want to ask for prayers for our family. Mr. Rusty (Zach’s dad) has been having PSA levels that are higher than the normal range. They…

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Beach Day 1

As I mentioned in my first post about this trip…I overdid it hardcore on Day 1. I had spent that morning rushing around packing, then we got there and I rushed around unpacking, and then…

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36 Week OBGYN Visit

This morning I had my first weekly obgyn appointment which also included my last bloodwork appointment for this pregnancy and my last appointment where there won’t be any checking for progress ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s gonna start…

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St Augustine Old Town!

One of my favorite trips every year is our family trip to St. Augustine. Even before we had kids Zach and I would visit St. Augustine for the 4th of July. I remember when I…

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Prayers for Ashleigh

Most of my afternoons follow a pretty same routine. Kids go down for naps. I get some water (and maybe a snack…) then sit at the computer. I check through social media (while possibly eating the snack)…

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