Britt’s Monthly Summary: March

Here’s everything Britt had going on in the month of March! Yogurt: Kye has ALWAYS liked yogurt. I, myself, am not a big fan and wished I was. It’s super good for you and especially good…

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Kye Monthly Summary: March

Kye’s first monthly summary as a 5 year old! Field Trip: This month Kye’s class took a field trip to Publix. I am such a hardcore Publix shopper that I totally could have lead this tour ๐Ÿ˜‰…

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“Leo” Baby Name Hints!

The first question people ask when they find out I’m pregnant is “what are you having?” Once I tell them we are waiting to be surprised, the second question they typically ask is “what names…

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Gender Wives Tales: What Will “Leo” Be?

I LOVE not knowing the sex of our babies prior to birth! It’s so neat telling people that we don’t know what we are having. Even strangers get excited about it and enjoy giving their…

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Baby Pool for Parker Baby #3: “Leo”

I think baby pools are so fun! I really enjoy reading everyone’s predictions and now that we are over the 30 week point with pregnancy I figured now is the time to roll this thing…

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