30 Weeks Pregnant

30 Weeks Yall! 30!!! Off topic but I know many of my real life friends and family read my blog via my personal Facebook page. I have decided to try out ONLY posting to the…

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Leo in 4D {Round 2}

A few weeks ago we visited The Bump to see Leo in 3D/4D (I don’t get which is which?). You can look back at those images here! Soon after I posted that blog post I…

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Transitioning to the “Big Boy” Room

When we built our home (back in the fall of 2010) we put a LOT of thought into it all. Finding a floor plan that fit our needs was difficult. I did not want a split…

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Kye’s 5th Birthday Letter From Daddy

Here is Zach’s letter to Kye and the pictures of them together from this past year! Daddy doesn’t write quite as much as Mommy does for the letters so his post is pretty picture heavy ๐Ÿ˜‰ …

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Casey and Jordan Maternity Pictures

Now that I have a nice camera and a decent knowledge of how to use it, I’ve offered myself up anytime family or friends need some non-professional level pictures ๐Ÿ˜‰ I personally believe the photography…

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