Kye Monthly Summary: Feb

Sad day to be done with blogging about Disney. But happy day to be moving forward as that one trip took up a solid amount of my blogging time ๐Ÿ˜‰  This post covers a summary…

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TLC and CPR Class

Last night Zach and I attended the infant CPR course at the hospital. We have taken it each time I am pregnant. It’s a free course offered by the hospital and I feel it’s essential…

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Pirate’s and Pals Fireworks Voyage

The final Disney post!!!  A fellow Disney lover friend of mine, Amanda, posted on FB awhile back about a Pirate Night thing they did with their sons. I hadn’t ever heard of it before and…

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Putt Putt Disney Style!

When we decided to have Kye’s birthday at Disney rather than throwing him a themed birthday party like we typically do, I went through and worked out the budget for what I’d normally spend on…

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26 and 27 Weeks Pregnant

With my blogging break last week this will be a combo post with the summary from BOTH my 26th and 27th weeks pregnant! Baby Growth: This week (because who cares about the size from last week?…

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