Starting Independent Playtime Late

Starting Independent Playtime Late (With Toddler). With both of my children I started independent playtime when they were very young. You can read my simple guide on how to start independent playtime here! First I…

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Blogging Vacation

I started this blog in August 2008 and have been pretty much consistent in my blogging since then. The only time I’ve ever “taken time off” was when unexpected events occurred, such as family deaths…

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25 Weeks Pregnant

Warning: This is probably going to be one of the most “TMI” filled post I’ve written yet (although if you’ve read either of my birth stories then this won’t be that bad!). Baby Growth: Leo is 13.5…

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After our morning at Animal Kingdom and went straight down for naps. I had an awesome nap and woke up with plenty of time to leisurely get ready for the afternoon. It was wonderful! We…

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Animal Kingdom

On our second park day of our trip we went to Animal Kingdom. Zach and I both LOVE Magic Kingdom. I think most people agree that if you can only choose one park to see…then…

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