24 Weeks Pregnant

6 months pregnant! In my head I think “only three months left” but technically it’s 16 weeks left which is 4 months. Oh well, what’s an extra month, right? 😉 Baby Growth: Leo is about a foot…

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Magic Kingdom Evening

I really expected for Britt to be OUT for nap and for us to have to possibly even wake her up in order to get back that evening…but nope! She woke up before Kye!!! Thankfully…

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5 Steps to Teaching Your Child to do Chores

5 Steps to Teaching Your Child to do Chores Today’s post comes from Valerie at Chronicles of a Babywise Mom about teaching our children to do chores. This is for sure something I need to start…

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Magic Kingdom Morning 1

When I first made my line itineraries for each day I assumed we wouldn’t be finished with Cinderella’s Royal Table until 10. Chef Mickey typically takes us around 90 minutes so I assumed the same…

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Helping the Rainey Family

As a mother we all share certain fears. We fear losing our children. We fear losing our husbands. A little over a week ago I got word that Danielle’s brother, Michael, passed away in his…

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