Kye Growth Delay Update at 1 Year

Kye Growth Delay Update at 1 Year You can get caught up on all the posts about Kye’s growth delay here: Kye’s Growth Delay Most recent update It’s hard to believe it’s already been a…

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22 Week OBGYN Visit

Just got home from my 22 week check-up! Since this was just a heartbeat quick check I decided to bring Britt along. I wanted her to get to hear her baby brother or sister ๐Ÿ™‚…

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One Year “Dave~aversary”

It is SO hard to believe that it’s only been a year since we started embracing a more “Dave Ramsey” style of life. Want to read about the changes we made? You can do that…

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22 Weeks Pregnant

Baby Growth: Leo is roughly 11 inches long and almost weighs a full pound! There is something about seeing that he or she weighs that much that is very comforting to me…it’s exciting! At this point…

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Spring Swim

I know I am kinda hardcore about several things, but swimming is def on that list! I am SO thankful we did survival swim lessons with both Kye and Britt and we will 100% be…

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