Valentine’s Day 2014

I was looking forward to Valentine’s Day this year! It fell on a Friday and Kye had off school so I thought it’d be a good chance to really celebrate the day ๐Ÿ™‚ I am…

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Father Daughter Dance 2014

Last year was Britt and Zach’s first year attending our local Father Daughter Dance. I really, really love this tradition. However, both this year and last I could tell Zach didn’t really want to go. And…

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Aflac Kick Off

Every year Zach heads to Columbus for a big kick-off meeting with Aflac. Back in the day I actually had my Aflac license (and still carry my insurance license) so I was able to go…

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21 Weeks Pregnant with Baby #3

Baby Growth:  This week Leo is about the length of a carrot (about 10.5 inches long) and weighs 3/4ths of a lb. If Leo is a girl then her privates are forming. And Leo now…

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Britt Monthly Summary – Jan

Everything about Britt from Jan! Date Night With Daddy: The afternoon/evening when I took Kye to see Cinderella…Zach took the opportunity as a chance to have some quality time with Britt. Now that she’s getting older…

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