19 Weeks Pregnant!

Sorry for being late on this post! Before I get into all the pregnancy updates from the week I wanted to share with y’all about some exciting news! My long-time awesome, amazing friend Rachael has…

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Post-Shot Foot Update

A couple weeks ago I had a shot injected into my foot. Just to do a brief recap (because goodness…starting from the beginning of this foot craziness would take forever) I had an MRI done…

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Britt’s 2 Year Well Visit

Britt’s 2 Year Well Visit was in Jan. It stinks b/c you HAVE to book the visit one year or later out from the last one and once you are off track, you stay that…

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Kye’s 5th Birthday Slideshow!

Yesterday was Kye’s 5th Birthday…total “Mom Fail” on not having this posted then. Confession? I didn’t finish it until last night! Haha! I blame my wonderful week away at Disney ๐Ÿ˜‰ The transition from Kye…

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18 Week OBGYN Visit and Ultrasound!

This was a BIG appointment this morning! I’m thankful we had Disney last week because I really didn’t start to think about today’s appointment until the end of our trip. And once I did start…

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