Touchdowns or Tutus: Baby Bacon Gender Reveal!

Gender reveal parties are always SO cute! I’ve never gotten to attend one and, obviously, have never thrown one. So I was REALLY excited when Casey and Jordan decided to have a gender reveal party…

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18 Weeks Pregnant!

We just got home a couple hours ago from our BIG trip! I turned 18 weeks pregnant yesterday so wanted to get this post rolling asap ๐Ÿ™‚ Baby Growth: Right now Leo weighs roughly 7 oz…

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FSU: Unconquered Season

Growing up we weren’t anything close to what I’d call a “football family.” We didn’t even watch it on Thanksgiving. I don’t remember ever watching a Super Bowl? It just wasn’t our thing. My parents…

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Playing in the Snow

Last year our local library hosted a Snow Day over Christmas Break and we had a GREAT time! I knew I wanted to make it a priority to do again this year. I even bought the…

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“How Many Kids Do You Want?” – Preparing for a Large Family

“How Many Kids Do You Want?” – Preparing for a Large Family At the time I originally wrote this post I had two children. It’s so neat to see how our family ended up –…

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