Britt Monthly Summary – December

It’s strange having two monthly summary posts now! I do prefer it over the age ones for Britt though for sure ๐Ÿ™‚ Again, like Kye’s, not much to cover from Dec but here goes! Playroom: Britt…

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Kye Monthly Summary December

I don’t have a ton of stuff for either Kye’s or Britt’s monthly posts for December! December is always a crazy month anyway, but for us this year it was especially crazy!!!  Here is what…

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Christmas Card Roll Call 2013

With Thanksgiving being so late this past year, I think most people were a little behind on the Christmas card sending! I actually was still getting cards in the mail after Christmas! I hope the…

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16 Weeks Pregnant!

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone! There is currently a giveaway going on that ends Sunday so be sure to enter to win HERE! Baby Growth: In the next few weeks Leo will double his or her weight…

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15 Week OBGYN Visit

I was telling Zach this morning how funny it is the way things change. With Kye, Zach came to every single appoint (except for one!). With Britt, he came to the majority of appointments. With…

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