The Importance of Following Your Dreams After You Have Kids

The Importance of Following Your Dreams After You Have Kids Guest Post from Claire of My Devising I’ll go ahead and put out a disclaimer that I only have one child right now (with one…

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Kye School Work Fall 2013

Kye really takes pride in his work from school and I’m so glad I decided to start doing these posts every fall and spring. It makes it SO easy to be able to have the…

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The Best Way to Get Rid of Dog Smell & Stains: Hardwood Floors, Carpet, and Furniture

Removing pet stains from hardwood floors doesn’t have to be a pain, nor does getting rid of dog smell and pet odors from your house! I was born without the ability to smell. It isn’t…

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Winter Wild Adventures

Last year I wrote a post about our trip to Disney and talked some about our local theme park here in town: Wild Adventures. A few people were a little upset about my Wild Adventures…

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Prayers for Katie Adams

I love how much my blog has grown over the years. My favorite thing about having a larger readership is that I know I can count on y’all in times of need. I always feel…

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