Leading Up To Christmas

Usually I’m pretty hardcore about Christmas time. I cram as much Christmas themed fun into the month of December as possible. I was so sad that Kye and I got so sick. I’m telling yall the…

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14 Weeks Pregnant!

Officially SECOND TRIMESTER!!! WHOO HOO!!! Baby Growth: Leo can now squint, frown, grimace, tee tee, and suck his or her thumb! At this point Leo is roughly 3 1/2 inches long (size of a lemon) and…

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NYC Day 3

When we first decided to go to New York I really only wanted to stay three nights. On Aflac trips I’m fine without the kids for the first couple of days, but towards the end…

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How I Manage Laundry!

As a stay at home mom the thing I most often hear people complain about is laundry. I’ve never personally understood this? Laundry isn’t a chore that bothers me in the least! Today is BFBN…

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NYC Day 2: Freezing!

I used to be one of those people who didn’t value sleeping in. I especially didn’t understand why someone would go on vacation and then just sleep?!?! What a waste of a trip! You can…

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