Baby Shower for Ashley

Ashley and I met in college and I hosted her baby shower for her son, Preston a few years ago. It’s SO funny b/c I was pregnant with Britt when I hosted it (along with…

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Thanksgiving Day at School

Sorry for the slack attack on the blogging. Yesterday I cleaned my house for the first time since Britt’s bday party (which was on Dec 7th). Yes, it was gross. And it wore me out!…

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Britt’s Two Year Photos: Family

I LOVE pictures of my kids by themselves and of them together but my favorite pics are of our whole family together. I think it’s so neat to see how we change over time and…

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10 Weeks Pregnant!

Next week I should be posting on Friday’s like I’m supposed to ๐Ÿ˜‰ With Christmas Break I’m enjoying not waking up early and not getting dressed ๐Ÿ˜‰ Baby Growth: This week Leo (yes, it stuck…Leo it…

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Britt’s Two Year Photos: Kids

I know today is Friday and I’m officially 10 weeks pregnant and should be doing my weekly pregnancy post. But it’s still Christmas break. So that means I’m still in pjs at 1:30 and haven’t taken…

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