Kids and Cotton

We live in the country. Like, legit, we pass farmland to get to our house 🙂 My favorite crop every year is cotton. It’s SO beautiful! The snow of the south, right? Kye always loves…

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Friends Celebrating My Birth!

I have been so, so blessed in the friends department! Friendships have ALWAYS been important to me. I can’t ever remember a time during my life when I didn’t have a super mega close “best…

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Britt is 23 Months Old!

Britt turned 23 months old on November 6th. Only one more What to Expect post after this one (whoooo hooo!). Before I know it I’ll be back to doing newborn weekly posts for Little Leo huh?…

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Britt Summary of Month 23

Be warned: This post has picture OVERLOAD! Blame it on the new camera 😉 And enjoy it b/c Britt’s monthly post from Dec will be pretty dang empty. I took hardly any random pics this…

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Weekend in Orlando

The last time we went to Disney we fell in LOVE with the place we stayed (Regal Palms). When we checked out to head home I saw a flyer about the condos on the property…

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