Finding Out About #3!

It was SO exciting announcing our news yesterday to everyone! Thank you for all the sweet well-wishes and congratulations…it’s going to be a fun blog topic for sure ๐Ÿ˜‰  Zach and I are very planned…

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All I Want For Christmas…

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Kye Monthly Summary: October

Here is everything going on with Kye from October! Growth: One morning I got Kye dressed for school then realized his pants were too short. I know for most parents this isn’t some big deal. If anything…

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Everybody Hurts

For me, the holiday season really kicks off at Halloween/My Birthday. My birthday is the day after Halloween and then a couple weeks later is Thanksgiving. Then Britt’s birthday. Then Christmas.  On my birthday this…

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Spending Smart: Eating out as a Family

When Zach and I made our monthly budget we talked about things that are important to us and where we want to see our money go each month. Eating out is very low on both…

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