Kye Monthly Summary: August

Here is everything Kye was up to during the month of August! Now that he’s in school each day I have less time with him and therefore less pictures too ๐Ÿ™ Part of growing up…

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DVDS over TV

As many of you know, my children don’t watch tv. Sure, they may be allowed to watch a few minutes of an occasional football game or golf game or some other sporting event (like the…

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Crazy Hat Party

Labor Day was really wonderful this year! I got to experience a little vacation but also was able to spend quality time with my little family and our larger family too ๐Ÿ™‚ A great mix…

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Labor Day Beach Trip!

Every year for the past five years Mr. Rusty and Mrs. Charlotte have taken all their children and grandchildren on a family trip. This year they booked us a week long trip (typically we only…

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The Way to a Man’s Heart

At the end of August we found out some bad news. For the first time since Zach ever started working with Aflac, he didn’t qualify for National Convention. Technically he did qualify but a little bad…

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