While Kye is at School

When Kye first started back to school I had a TOUGH time figuring out what in the world to do with Brittlynn! Last year she napped during his time at school but this year I…

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Wearing our Sunday Best

It’s so interesting to me how life brings us so many changes and different stages. For a long time Sunday mornings were a mad house for our family. It was tough to get us all ready…

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School’s In Saturday

As most of you know, I’ve been a stay at home mom/wife since Zach and I first got married. We got married while we were still in college so technically I’ve never been in the…

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School Everyday

When we first started Kye at preschool he went for three mornings a week. This year marked the first year of five mornings a week. Ugh, I’ve been dreading this day. I mean once we get…

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Another {Foot} Opinion

I haven’t done a foot update post in quite awhile. Ya know why? Because I was HOPING that I’d be done with foot posts for good. I have mentioned my foot in other posts but…

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