Britt Summary of Month 20

Britt lived her 20th month of life from July 6th through August 5th. I struggle with telling people how old she is. The counting by the month thing at this point is SO TRICKY for…

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Kye Monthly Summary – July

The month of July was VERY busy! I try hard to make our summers really, really fun and filled with many exciting things for the kids so there wasn’t much “other” stuff to put in…

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End of Summer Fun!

I really, really felt like this summer FLEW by us! Before I knew it, school was fixin’ to start back and I wanted to end our time together the best way I could ๐Ÿ™‚  First…

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Aflac Beach Day

Zach is an Aflac agent who is part of a team. There is a district that is like our local area and then there is a region which covers pretty much all of South Georgia.…

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Necklace Making and Movie Watching

This school year Kye would start going five days for the first time. As summer was quickly nearing a close that reality hit me more and more. I wouldn’t have him around in the mornings…

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