Airplane Watchin’

I never made a legit “Summer To Do” list but I had some things in my mind that I wanted to do during the summer. One of them was to take the kids down to…

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Julia’s Visit

Can I just be brutally real and honest for a second? It has sucked, sucked, sucked not having any of my family in my life anymore. And I know “suck” isn’t a nice word. I…

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Parenting Inside the Funnel

Parenting Inside the Funnel My biggest struggle so far as a parent is resisting the tendency to parent outside the funnel with my children. I’m so thankful I’m a “Babywise mom” as I am able…

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Daddy Attends a Bday Party

Over the years I’ve taken the kids to quite a few birthday parties on my own. Zach and I will often split up the duties (as usually Britt had to nap!) and since I’m usually…

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Splash Park and Zaxby’s!

So I know I left all of you in a total state of shock with my post yesterday regarding our trip to Zoo Atlanta ๐Ÿ˜‰ Can you believe there is even MORE of the Cool…

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