Our Disney Travels

This is a post designated to ALL of our Disney visits! I’ve listed our trips in chronological order and will be adding to it as we visit Disney in the future. I totally plan to…

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10 LBS

Up until July I was doing GREAT with keeping my weight in check. I’ve been taking Advocare products, eating healthy, and even started exercising! My foot was doing amazing after Memphis and I felt very…

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Britt’s First GNO!

One Sunday during July Zach decided to have some “guy time” with Kye after naps. They went to the dollar movie and saw Epic (which Zach admitted he could TELL wasn’t produced by Disney haha)…

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Fire Station Visit 2013

Every year we visit our local fire station for a lesson in fire safety and to check out the fire trucks ๐Ÿ™‚ Typically it’s a couple moms and our kids but this year it turned…

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Kye 4 Year Pics and Britt 18 Month Pics

After the heaviness of yesterday’s post I’m so glad to have such a FUN post today ๐Ÿ™‚ Our family has been long over-due for pics together. I typically like for the kids to have professional…

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