Britt Summary of Month 19

Britt lived her 19th month of life (she was 18 months old) from June 6 through July 5th. It was SUCH a wonderful month having both of my babies at home with me all day!!!…

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Miss Personality

When I got pregnant with Britt I wasn’t sure how a second baby would fit in with our family. My main concern about adding more children to our lives was that I wouldn’t be able…

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Establishing Physical Boundaries

Establishing Physical Boundaries As a child becomes more mobile, boundaries become so important. Toddlerwise (pg 30) states “Boundaries are important for a toddler’s development, and in the period between 14 and 20 months, boundaries take…

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Flashback Friday: A Tribute to Corey Smith

I had another Flashback Friday post planned for this week but then I got a message on FB from a friend asking me about this video. I had COMPLETELY forgotten about this and with this…

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Library and Brusters Fun

With two kids, lots of free time, and not much spending money there aren’t a ton of options around for things to do! I decided one morning to take the kids up to the library.…

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