BFBN: $50 Amazon Giveaway!

I LOVE being part of the Babywise Friendly Blog Network! I’m super excited about the new idea some of the ladies came up with and think a lot of yall will be too ๐Ÿ™‚ I…

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Home Spray Tan!

In high school I first started going to the tanning bed for senior prom. Once I started, I got hooked. My freshman year of college I’d walk across campus to hit up the tanning bed…

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Father’s Day 2013

We had SUCH a great Father’s Day this year!!! We started the morning off with Waffle House for breakfast, then our annual family golf adventure! Britt and I headed home after nine holes of golf…

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Family Golf Outing 2013

This year Zach and I were both looking forward to our annual family golf outing for Father’s Day. We could go first thing in the morning since Britt no longer has a morning nap, we’d…

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Waffles for Daddy

As usual we celebrated Father’s Day a day early so we could spend the entire Saturday devoted to our favorite Daddy! Now that Britt doesn’t have her morning nap we were able to do a…

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