Flashback Friday: 10 Year Reunion

It has arrived!!!! This weekend is my 10 year high school reunion! I’m excited to see some friends and especially to show off the hubby ๐Ÿ˜‰ With the rough stuff we’ve been dealing with the…

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5 Sleep Training Tips

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Day! I’m guest posting over on Elaine’s blog (faithfullyinfertile.com). I’m writing about physical boundaries and how I establish them with my kids. Valerie (from babywisemom.com) is guest posting for…

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Kye’s Golf Camp

From an early age Kye has really enjoyed golf. I remember when he was around Britt’s age (a little younger) he would ONLY say one word. Golf. Over and over all day long we’d hear…

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VBS 2013

Our VBS starts on a Sunday night and ends on Wednesday night. It’s every night from 6-8 and begins at age two. With our scheduling there was simply NO WAY Kye could begin going to…

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Mommy or Daddy’s Girl?

I am SO thankful my mama took so, so many pictures of me growing up! I love looking through the ones I have and it’s so neat to compare them to the kids ๐Ÿ™‚ There…

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