Britt Summary of Month 18

Britt’s 18th month of life was from May 6th until June 5th. Here’s everything she had going on that month: Vocabulary:  As I mentioned before, each month I’m only posting about the NEW words she…

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Dear Mom,

I’m writing this as I have no other way to express to you the things I need to say. I do not know where you are living or any other means to contact you. All…

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This Week

This past week has been so strange. It all feels like such a blur. Time moves soooo sllllooowww but then it also goes by so quickly. We have been spending a lot of time with…

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Austin Parker, Zach’s first cousin, moved to Montana about a month ago. He wanted to be free from the corporate world and to live the life of a true “mountain man.” He was following his…

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Guest Blogger: Life with Three

I am NOT pregnant with baby #3 but we know we want a third (and a fourth and maybe even more after that!) and I hear people CONSTANTLY talk about how the third is the…

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