Value Your Child’s Feelings

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Day and Maureen from Childwise Chat is guest blogging all about valuing our kids feelings. This is a PERFECTLY timed post for me to read as we are dealing…

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Anti-Climatic Surprise

So I confess. Zach and I broke my #1 MAJOR Disney World Rule.  We planned a random trip to Disney in May. We’d had a really, really tough couple of months. You know the run…

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Britt is 17 Months Old!

Britt turned 17 Months old on May 6th! According to What to Expect The Toddler Years here is a summary of where she is in her development compared to other kids her age! Britt is able…

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Britt Summary of Month 17

Britt lived her 17th month (was 16 months old) from April 6th through May 5th. This month was a HUGE focus on potty training. Therefore, all the pictures of her are either of her wearing…

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In The Valley

My preacher has often said that if you’re not currently going through a time of trial or recovering from such a time then you are soon going to be facing one. That has always caused…

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