Mean Mommy Mentality

While I LOVE me some social networking, it can also be so frustrating at times. It’s given so many people so much more freedom to be themselves, to express who they are, and to feel…

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Flashback Friday: “Published Author”

Did you know I’m a legit published author? Yup it’s true!!! And it’s a great topic for a Flashback Friday post!!!   My mom always did a great job reading to us when we were…

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Kye Monthly Summary – April

The month of April was another crazy one for us. Thankfully life got SO. MUCH. BETTER in May ๐Ÿ™‚ During the month of April I had my foot surgery, we were in the scary “unknown”…

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What I’m Loving Wed!

Normally I LOVE blogging. But sometimes I get in a rut. Where I don’t really feel like it. Where I’d rather just sit and do nothing. I get in a funk and it can take…

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A Saturday of Firsts!

We live close to a really nice golf course where they hold a pretty legit golf tournament each year. Zach has lived here his entire life but has never been to the tournament…or ANY golf tournament…

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