Donuts with Dad

Kye was looking forward to Dad’s Day at school this year! He had a great time at their special day last year and considers donuts one of his favorite foods so, of course, he was…

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Carrie Underwood Concert

Courtney turned the big 3-0 this year and everyone wanted to go all out for her special day! Casey came up with the idea of surprising Courtney somehow with Carrie Underwood tickets. When she first…

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CFA Pirate and Princess Night!

Kye’s FAVORITE place to go is to Chick-Fil-A. Hands down, no questions asked. And as a mama, I LOVE Chick-Fil-A too. Great food, clean environment, super friendly employees, play area, and especially awesome family nights! On…

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Kye’s Church Performance

Kye has already reached that age where he doesn’t really tell me all the details of his life anymore. When we take him to Bible Class on Sundays and Wednesdays the only stuff he really…

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First Official “Girl Time”

Several months ago Zach heard about FSU hosting their Spring Game for free and wanted to take Kye. Originally we had talked about he and I taking Kye but the more I thought about it…

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