House Improvements

I’m a big believer in that our home will never be “finished.” We will always be doing little things here and there to improve it, update it, and make it better and better! Zach has…

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Brittlynn is 16 Months Old!

Brittlynn turned 16 months old on April 6th. I truly look at her now and see a TODDLER instead of a baby! I think her being potty trained really makes her SO much more “grown…

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Britt Summary of Month 16

Britt was 15 months old from March 6th through April 5th. Like I mentioned in Kye’s monthly post, March was a VERY crazy month for us so I didn’t keep track as much with the…

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“Surviving” Sundays

Attending church services on a regular basis is very important to my family. However, keeping my children on their schedules is also a top priority to our family! We knew when we decided to follow…

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Kye Monthly Summary – March

March was a SUPER busy, full month (obviously since it’s now mid-May and I’m still finishing up with March!) so there isn’t much to include in the kids summary posts this time around! Between Kye’s…

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