Prepping for the Potty

Now that I have had two children be potty trained at young ages (Kye was 19 months and Britt 16 months) I feel like I can offer a bit of advice on the topic! At…

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Easter Eve

On the day before Easter we had a busy day! I was dealing with a LOT of stress around that time and my body wasn’t able to handle it anymore. I felt super sick and…

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Why I Love Being a Mom

This past week we were at Epcot (posts to come, of course) and did an interactive thing called “Turtle Talk with Crush.” Crush is the turtle in Finding Nemo…anyway…Kye got selected from the crowd to…

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Kye’s School Easter Celebration

Kye had a little Easter celebration at school and parents were invited so, of course, I wanted to make sure to be there! It was a CRAZY morning and I ended up bringing Brittlynn along…

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The Real World: My {Almost} Claim to Fame

The Real World: My {Almost} Claim To Fame Did you know I was almost famous?!?! Yup. It’s true. Instead of being a housewife and mommy blogger I could be living a TOTALLY different life right now! …

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