Making Time for Yourself

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Day! While I’m guest posting over on Chronicles of a Babywise Mom (with a post about how we survive Sundays with two kids at church services!), Bethany from The Graceful Mom is guest…

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Tallahassee Tradition

When we first found out that we had to go to Tallahassee to see a specialist about Kye’s growth delay I decided I wanted to make it a FUN day for Kye. On our way to…

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How I Cope When Coming “Unglued”

I’m linking up again with Kelly’s Korner today as a part of the “Build ‘Em Up Series.” I am a self proclaimed high anxiety person. I was actually diagnosed in high school with anxiety issues…

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The End of The Office Era

If you’re a loyal blog reader then you know Zach and I have a tradition. Anytime we go on a trip, we watch The Office. We are currently almost finished with season 8 and season…

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Easter at Church

Every year our church hosts a big egg hunt at member’s home in the area. Unfortunately, it’s always right after church services and we can’t ever go due to nap time conflicts. Sundays are already…

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