Kye’s School Bday Celebration

Kye had been SO excited about celebrating his birthday at school! Of course we ended up having to do our taxes the same morning as his little party was scheduled. But we made it work!…

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Harlem Globetrotters

Several months ago I saw that the Harlem Globetrotters were coming to town and thought it’d be a fun thing for Kye to get to experience. Zach and I used to watch The Amazing Race…

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Bonus Weekend

The weekend of March 8th I was supposed to be on a girl’s trip to Orlando with Mrs. Charlotte, Courtney, Casey, Jolee, and Mema. I ended up deciding not to go for many reasons, mostly…

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Delayed Bone Age: Constitutional Growth Delay in Children

I just want to preface this post by saying this: I haven’t told many people about this situation as I really, really don’t want Kye to know about any of it. While I’m totally fine…

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Spending Smart: Dave Ramsey

I hate that I can’t remember who first introduced us to Dave Ramsey…I seriously have thought and thought about it and can’t put a finger on it! If you were the one who first told…

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