Finding Friends and Keeping Them

Today I’m linking up with Kelly’s Korner as part of the “Build ‘Em Up” series! All of my life I have been more of a one-on-one type of friend rather than a big group of…

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Kye 4 Year and Britt 15 Month Well Visits

We had a combo visit for the kids (Kye’s 4 year old check-up and Britt’s 15 month check-up) on March 7th. It’s the last time we can do a combo check up for them so…

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Foot Surgery Update!

Warning: If you get kinda grossed out by cuts and stitches or women without makeup on…then I suggest skipping over this post ๐Ÿ˜‰ Now that I’m 16 days post surgery I wanted to fill you…

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Kye’s 4th Bday Letter: From Mommy

Kye,  I cannot even begin to express how much I love you and cherish you. This past year has really been such an adventure and it’s been incredible to see you grow into your own.…

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Kye’s 4th Bday Letter: From Daddy

Every year Zach and I write a birthday letter to each of our children! Here is Zach’s birthday letter to Kye this year: Kye,     The past four years have been amazing. The moment you…

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