Kye’s 4th Birthday!

For some reason FOUR was a lot harder for me to fathom than three was? I feel like a four year old is like a legit kid. There ain’t no baby left!!!  Kye’s birthday was…

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Pigs MUST Be Flying…

I never ever expected to be writing a blog post like this. I keep checking the skies to see if there are some pigs flying up there!  Growing up I had issues with nervous sweat. I…

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Kye’s 4th Birthday Party!

We had Kye’s 4th Birthday Party on Saturday March 2nd at 3:30 (my favorite time to host a party!). Up until now Kye’s parties have always been BIG events. I would send out over 40…

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Blog Books!

My purpose for blogging is to journal my children’s lives through my perspective as well as share myself with my children so when I pass away they will always know ME.  While that’s all wonderful…

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“Let Me Know If You Need Anything”

I am a VERY independent person. I don’t often ask for help and I can think of very few times in my life where I actually needed help with something. My recent foot surgery (post to…

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