Flashback Friday: Bridal Photos

Remember back in the day when parents would have a HUGE framed picture of their daughter in her wedding dress hanging in their house? Remember when you’d go to weddings and see that large picture…

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Tips for Successful Breastfeeding

There are many areas of parenting that are debatable. We all have our own opinions and ideas about what is “best” and many times those ideas may clash with what others believe is “best” for…

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Fire Station Pictures and Invites

Every year around Kye’s birthday we get professional pictures taken of him. Here are his one year pics, two year pics, and three year pics. This year we decided to do a combo of his…

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Remaining “Emily” While Being “Mommy”

Remaining Emily while Being Mommy. Self care is so important and valuable as a mom and it’s important to find ways to stay connected to who you were before motherhood. I take my role as…

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Smarty Pants

Britt has been in her “big kid” car seat for awhile now and we still really like it! You can read my review of her seat HERE! At just a few days over 14 months…

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