Fibular Sesamoidectomy

Ready for a super exciting foot update? haha! I mean you totally come to my blog to hear about my FOOT, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰ If you don’t know what I’m talking about…here is my last foot…

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Flashback Friday: Car Accidents

Recently we have had a bit of car issues in our house. First I busted my side mirror on the garage door then remember about a month or so ago when Zach wrecked my car?  Well…

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The Impossible Task of Sibling Photos

Prior to having two kids I really enjoyed taking pictures of Kye. One kid. Not too difficult. I could handle the task pretty much on my own. I’d put him where I wanted him, call…

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Kye Monthly Summary – February

Here is the summary from February for Kye! His last month being THREE! For some reason I didn’t take NEARLY as many pictures as usual that month? I guess we just didn’t do much? Don’t…

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Muffins with Mom

Last year I had such a nice time at Mom’s Day at Kye’s school and I was looking forward to the event again this year as well! I was SO blessed to be able to…

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