Busy Birthday Saturday

Saturday, Feb 9th was one of those super-full-crazy type days. We had a LOT of plans. Zach and Kye planned on going to Lowe’s that morning while Britt napped and I got ready then Kye…

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BFBN Week: In High Demand

Today’s Babywise Friendly Blogger is Bethany from The Graceful Mom. Her post is about the high demands placed on moms today and how Babywise can help us to not feel overwhelmed!  This is a post…

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Qualities in a Spouse

Guilty Pleasure Confession: I LOVE The Bachelor franchise. Love it. I mostly love it because it’s something Zach and I enjoy watching together. It’s a great show to talk during and kinda poke fun at.…

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BFBN Week: Making TIme for your Relationship

Today’s Babywise Friendly Blogger Spotlight is on Maureen from Childwise Chat. I LOVED her post today and it’s totally not what you’re expecting from the title ๐Ÿ™‚ Even though I’m a stay at home mom…

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Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week!

When it comes to blogging I am passionate about keeping my blog about my children and my little family, however I am also very passionate about Babywise and feel if I can use my blog…

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