24 Day Challenge Results!

I know…I’ve been owing yall this post for awhile! My hold up has been the new computer. I like to show and side by side of my before and after pics and with the Mac…

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Park Day, “Date” Night

Okay before I begin this post I have to give a QUICK Oscar recap from last night! I haven’t watched LIVE tv in YEARS and I enjoyed it so, so much! I cuddled up in…

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My Bucket List: Best Picture Nominees

We all have a “bucket list” of things we’ve always wanted to do and hope to do before we die. One of mine was to attend a FSU/UF football game, at Doak. We did that…

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Kye Artwork and Progress Report: Fall 2012

I know, I’m slacking on this! When Kye gets home from school we are ALWAYS in a crazy rush to eat lunch and get dthis. Especially now that I’m blog bookin’ it up. I know…

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Flashback Friday: My “Apartment”

I know I’ve mentioned my “apartment” in passing before and some of yall have asked me to share more about what the heck I was talking about so I figured this little topic would make…

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