A Daddy Afternoon

I am blessed with a wonderful husband. My kids are blessed with an amazing daddy! I recently attended a kid’s clothing sale and ran some errands before the sale started…it’s such a nice thing that…

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Britt 13 Months Old!

Britt turned 13 months old on Jan 6th! Since I’m done with the monthly sticker thing (is it wrong of me to say I’m GLAD to be done with them? Love the end product of…

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Britt Summary of Month 13

Brittlynn lived her 13th month of life from Dec 6th through Jan 5th. She’s officially a toddler, right? And officially at that year that drives me CRAZY. I can’t STAND the whole “months old” thing.…

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Toe-rrific Update

I haven’t updated you guys on my toe/foot issues since November. Sadly, YES, there are still issues. Here’s everything that’s been going on since my last post about it (which you can read HERE). Last…

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Goals for 2013

If you’d like to have YOUR BLOG featured on MY BLOG this week then be sure to send me your guest post TODAY! I will not be accepting any blog entries after 11 PM EST…

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