Blog Lovin’ Week: Meet Robyn

When Emily came up with the idea for hosting blogs, I immediately thought that it was a really great idea.  I LOVE reading blogs (especially Mommy blogs!), so I’m really excited to get some new…

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Blog Lovin’ Week: Meet Amanda

Hello!  I’m Amanda, the writer/mind behind “Sometimes the smallest things, take up the most room in your heart”.  I’m a new mother to a sweet 4mo old baby girl, Persephone and wife to my sweetheart of…

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5 Reasons to Establish Good Sleep Habits

5 Reasons to Establish Good Sleep Habits Valerie is my idol in the world of motherhood and I’m so honored to have her guest posting today! She is a mother of four (ages 7, 5,…

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Blog Lovin’ Week: Meet Sara

I started my blog, The Watkins Wire (, exactly three years ago. I initially started it as a bit of a journal about my little family so that friends and relatives could keep up with…

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Blog Lovin’ Week: Meet Claire

In case you don’t know what “Blog Lovin’ Week” is, you can read about my little idea HERE! I’ll be featuring two blogs per day from today through Sunday. I encourage you to visit the…

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