Blog Lovin’

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Christmas Card Roll Call 2012

Yay! Time for my annual Christmas Card Roll Call post ๐Ÿ™‚ I LOVE getting Christmas cards and enjoy scanning them all and having them on the blog so they will also all be in my…

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First Snow!

One of my goals for 2012 was for my kids to see snow. Zach and I talked about taking a trip up north somewhere so they could see it for the first time. I hunted…

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Lazy Christmas Days

Christmas morning was fabulous…I was straight up EXHAUSTED when we got home and I slept the entire time the kids slept for naps! We were all so lazy and it was such a blessing that…

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Christmas Morning 2012

Every year on Christmas morning I’m one of the first ones to get up. I like to take my time getting ready for the day before all the craziness begins. I think I get that…

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