Hayden Update!

I have been BLOWN AWAY by the AWESOME response to Hayden’s Story! Seriously, I know how much Bobbie appreciates all of your outpouring of love and support and, I too, appreciate it so much. They…

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Christmas Eve

Every year we head to Mrs. Charlotte’s house first thing in the morning on the 24th. We stay there all day and spend the night, spending Christmas morning together. When I first entered the family…

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Cat Creek Classic 2012

I’m not really quite sure when the tradition started but every year on Christmas Eve the Parker clan plays in a football game. This year Jordan would be joining in since he and Casey got…

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Holiday Fun

As you can tell, Christmas is QUITE the event for us. I’m kinda worn out already and I’m just now getting to blog about the festivities surrounding the holiday!!! I tried to organize all the…

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Decorating Cookies

So the facebook page is now over 200 “likes!” I’ve purchased an awesome prize pack giveaway to do once the blog gets to 300 followers! If you haven’t yet followed me…scroll down the right hand…

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